We are looking for new top performers for our team

Are you looking for a new challenge? - We are looking for committed employees!

Committed, innovative, and flexible employees are the basis of our success, and the way we can continue to develop our position as a highly productive and efficient service provider.

Contact us

Committed, innovative, and flexible employees are the basis of our success, and the way we can continue to develop our position as a highly productive and efficient service provider.

Then get in touch!

Shape your future with IMSKT

The training for all those who aim high.
As an IT technician, you will be responsible for planning, installing, commissioning, and repairing electronic security and communication systems (for example, at the transmitting/receiving stations for mobile phones, radio data links of the transmitting/receiving stations, and other electronic components belonging to the mobile phone network).
Learn more about the training

Our current job vacancies

Deine Ansprechpartnerin

Denise Matthes , HR department: +49 341- 22 69 10-10

What makes us so special?

Quite simply: We want you to feel part of our team.

  • A permanent position in
    a forward-looking industry
  • Modern work equipment and operational vehicles
  • Various training opportunities
  • Flexible working hours
Find out more about us

Lagerflächen gesucht? – IMS KT hat sie! Zur Vermietung ab 1000 m²

IMS KT vermietet ab sofort frei verfügbare Lagerflächen ab 1000 m² in unserer Leipziger Logistikhalle am Standort Plaußig-Portitz.

Auf unserem Werksgelände Am Kellerberg bieten wir Ihnen flexible indoor und outdoor Lagerflächen zur Vermietung.

Bei uns finden Sie:

  • Verfügbare Lagerslots ab 1000 m²
  • Eine moderne, ebenerdige Logistikhalle mit Lasten-Ablade-Technik
  • 24/7 Videoüberwachung und verlässliche Überwachung

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihre Lagerfläche und profitieren Sie jetzt von unseren attraktiven Logistikangeboten!

Standort (Lager): Am Kellerberg, 04349 Leipzig-Plaußig-Portitz
Kontakt: +49 341 2269 1010 oder info@imskt.de