Community engagement
In addition to creating jobs and acting responsibly towards our employees, we are also involved in the community.
We are particularly interested in supporting children and young people. The Tabaluga children’s home run by the Volkssolidarität Stadtverband Leipzig e.V., which we regularly support with donated items, has grown dear to us.
In recent years, IMS Kommunikationstechnik GmbH has supported other clubs and associations:
- SOS Kinderdorf e.V.
- DKMS gemeinnützige GmbH
- Volkssolidarität Stadtverband Leipzig e.V.
- Blindenhilfswerk Dresden e.V.
- BRH Rettungshundestaffel Landkreis Leipzig e.V.
- Save the Children Deutschland e.V.
- Sozialwerk Leipzig gGmbH
- Hospiz Verein Leipzig e.V.
- Luckenau Volunteer Fire Brigade
We also support various children’s and youth teams in sports clubs. Our donations are mainly invested in sportswear, but they also serve to finance fees and group trips.